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What's the effect of self-cleaning filter on raw water


Power plant, iron and steel, metallurgy, chemical industry and other enterprises need to take water directly from the river, river, lake, sea and underground due to the needs of production process. These water generally contains a large number of solid impurities such as sediment, leaves, snails and lions, small fish and so on. In order to improve the accuracy of effluent and protect the lower level water equipment, it is necessary to set up filters. The filter is divided into Y-type filter, ordinary cleaner, automatic sewage filter and self-cleaning filter
Although ordinary Y-type filter and decontaminator can filter out most impurities, they have some disadvantages, such as low filtration accuracy, small flow area, large pressure loss and so on. The important thing is that the raw water quality is generally poor and there are many impurities. If the filter needs to be cleaned, the system needs to be shut down and the removed filter element can be cleaned, which will affect the production efficiency and greatly increase the production cost. If the self-cleaning filter is used, it can not only actively intercept and filter these impurities, but also automatically clean the filter screen and discharge sewage according to the pressure difference and cleaning time set by the control system. If the filtration accuracy of raw water is required to be high (the filtration accuracy is above 100 microns), we suggest that the automatic blowdown filter should be set as the front filtration device. The automatic blowdown filter can also backwash and clean the filter screen without shutdown. This not only protects the life of the filter screen of the self-cleaning filter, but also improves the accuracy of the effluent quality through two-stage filtration of raw water.
Self cleaning filter system has been used in a large number of customers' water system, which can not only maintain the continuity and stability of the water supply system, but also save labor costs and increase the economic benefits of enterprises.

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