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Introduction to the pretreatment of self-cleaning filters


The introduction of self-cleaning water filter:
The advent of self-cleaning filters has brought great convenience to sewage treatment in various industries, and it is also a very promising water filtration equipment in my country. It is playing an important role in water treatment. Today we will introduce to you What are the pretreatments of self-cleaning filters?
The self-cleaning filter has many advantages. It can use water pressure to operate and clean itself, and it does not stop filtering during cleaning. Compared with traditional filters, it has a high degree of automation and low pressure loss. It does not need to manually sweep the filter residue.
The pretreatment of water filtration refers to the removal or reduction of suspended solids and colloids in water to a certain extent. The process that meets the general water requirements is called water pretreatment. Generally speaking, the pretreatment of self-cleaning filters has the following three steps
1. Precipitation
Use natural sedimentation (such as grit tank), or softening of chemicals (such as adding chemicals) to temporarily harden the sediments and large suspended solids in the water to form sediments and settle.
2. Filter
The water to be treated is passed through the granular filter material, so that the impurities in the water are trapped by the filter material to be removed, and clean water may be obtained. Such as various filters, filters, etc.
3. Coagulation and clarification.
Using the effect of coagulant, the solid particles in water are absorbed by mutual contact, changing their size, shape and density to achieve separation from the water.
The pretreatment of the self-cleaning filter is mainly divided into the above three steps. The self-cleaning filter plays an extremely important role in the water treatment of various industries, and the scope of use is also very wide. It is favored by various fields. Of course, the self-cleaning filter The use of is also very simple, and the filtering function is very powerful, well received by users.

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