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How to distinguish high-flow filter element microfiltration?


The main difference between microfiltration is the flow direction of the main liquid on both sides of the membrane and the permeating liquid. These 

two processes are parallel flow and cross flow. When performing experiments in the laboratory, filter paper and funnels are often used to separate the 

precipitates in the liquid. The filtered liquid is filtered and separated by static pressure on the filter paper or by vacuum on the liquid side.

When the filtered liquid and the permeate flow in parallel, this process is called simultaneous microfiltration. In this process, the impurity particles 

trapped by the membrane filtration will gradually accumulate with the filtration process, forming a cake layer.

Depending on the filter membrane used, the trapped impurity particles will also accumulate in different places. If a surface filtration membrane is 

used, impurity particles will be trapped and accumulate on the membrane surface; If a depth filtration membrane is used, impurity particles are 

trapped and accumulate in the membrane.

No matter what kind of filtration, it will increase the filtration resistance, after all, impurities are trapped and accumulated in the filter element, which 

will lead to a decrease in filtration efficiency, the filtration flux is affected, and the pressure drop changes.

Therefore, parallel flow microfiltration needs to remove the impurity particles trapped on the membrane from time to time, and the filter element 

can also be replaced regularly to avoid the blockage of the filter element and cannot be used.

When the filtered liquid and the membrane surface are tangentially flowing, the impurity particles in the liquid are intercepted by the membrane, 

and the liquid passes vertically through the membrane surface and flows out through the membrane, which is another way of microfiltration, called 

cross-flow microfiltration or tangential microfiltration.

Similarly, the trapped impurity particles will also form a kind of cake layer on the surface of the membrane, because the main liquid is tangent to the 

.membrane performance under the influence of pressure, it will lead to higher shear force, so that the membrane surface accumulation of the cake 

layer is effectively removed, so that the impurity particles accumulated cake layer is relatively thin, this cross-flow microfiltration method can make 

the impurity accumulation of the cake layer is effectively controlled, avoid its blockage of the filter element, so that the service life of the filter 

element is extended, and its use effect will be gradually strengthened.

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